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World Environment Health Day

Theme 2022: 'Strengthening Environmental Health Systems
for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.'

“Environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect.” –  Mohith Agadi


World Environmental Health day is celebrated on 26th September every year by the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) Council. International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) is an international organisation promoting the significance of environmental health and provide a common global platform for national organisations who are working in protecting the environment. Environmental health is considered as the health issues outside the human body and the environmental factors that can pose a threat to human health in form of disease and sickness.

Theme of 2022: ‘Strengthening Environmental Health Systems for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.’- The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by United Nations in2015as universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet. The 17 SDGs are integrated and recognize that development must balance social, economic and environment sustainability while tackling climate change and working to preserve our environment

At AIMIT, in association with Rotaract Club under IQAC initiative – Students of II Semester MBA (Section C) observed the day. The intent of the event is to spread awareness regarding environmental health which was done through power point presentation. Students were:

  • Shashank -President of Rotaract
  • Syed Nadeem Abbas-Community Service Director- Rotaract
  • Rohith B- Club Service Director
  • Vivek G. R – Volunteer

Students took pledge in protecting the environment.

Key Takeaways:  Rapt attention was observed by other students when presentation was done. Awareness was created among students to get involved in community engagement, The students expressed that session was very informative.

This event was conceptualized by Dr. Venkataraman, Director and Principal , Adarsh AIMIT and co-ordinated by  Dr. Usha Prabhu