Infrastructure And Facilities
Research Centre with Workstation
- Workstation facility for research scholars with wi-fi facility and access to physical and e-resources like N-List, Inflibnet, Shodhganga and Database of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- SPSS Software
- R Software
- Tableau
- MS-Office
- Journals
- Latest research and management books
- Newspapers

- A well-Stocked Library with online and offline resources
- Journals
- Books
- Reprographic Facility
- Economic Times Newspaper is provided to all the students and will be provided to the research scholars
Business Lab
- Wide Screen TV
- Fire TV Stick
- Subscription to Amazon Prime, Disney Hotstar and You Tube Premium.
- ICT enabled Air-conditioned Hybrid Classrooms
- Library & Reading Room
- Computer Lab
- Auditorium
- Seminar Hall
- Atal Incubation Centre in collaboration with Jyoti Institute of Technology
- High Speed Internet Facility (60 Mbps)
- Wi-fi Campus
- Locker Facility
- Recreation Room
- Uninterrupted Power and Water Supply